Group 1321314676
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Welcome to Indian Red Cross Society

Indian Red Cross Society was constituted under the Act of Parliament known as “INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY” Act XV of 1920. The Red Cross Society is Headed by Honorable President of India at National Level, Honorable Governor at State Level and Collector & District Magistrate at District level, The Red Cross Society was established in India in 1920 and in Kakinada District  was established in the year 1928 of erstwhile East Godavari District, Composite Madras State. It has proudly completed ’96’ years of its humanitarian services, and it was oldest District branch in Andhra Pradesh.

Our Mission

The Red Cross Society aims to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times, all forms of humanitarian activities so the human suffering can be minimized, alleviated and even prevented, thus contributing to create a more congenial atmosphere for peace.

Activies of Indian Red Cross Society

Important Dates

  • 4 January 2024, World Braille Day
  • 12 January 2024, National Youth Day
  • 24 January 2024, National Girl Child Day
  • 25 January 2024, National Voters Day
  • 26 January 2024, Republic Day
  • 4 February 2024, World Cancer Day
  • Gallery

    EC Members

    Sri.Y.D.Rama Rao



    Vice Chairman

    Sri.NVVRK Prasad Babu


    Sri.K.Siva Kumar


    News & Updates

    Indian Red Cross Society was constituted under the Act of Parliament known as “INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY” Act XV of 1920. His Excellency the Governor of Andhra Pradesh is the President and the Honorable Chief Minister is the Vice-President of Indian Red Cross Society A. P. State Branch. At the District level, Collector & District Magistrate is the President of the Red Cross District Branch, Kakinada. Our Indian Red Cross Society District Branch, Kakinada started in the Year 1928.

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