As per the Directions and guidance of our A.P.state Branch we have conducted the “Multi Specialty Mega Health Camp” on Saturday 31-3-2018 at Maredumilli the heart of the Agency area of EG District with the support of Power grid Corporation.
We have rendered Medical services to 2,222 patients in the camp and 74 patients were identified for referrals to GGH Kakinada. 51 Doctors of various specialities from GGH and PHC’s attended the patients.20 types of tests besides Blood grouping was conducted at the venue and all the patients were provided with required Medicines.
Our Collector and President Sri Karthikeya Misra IAS, Sri Nishant Kumar IAS PO ITDA Rampachodavaram,Sri.B.Satyavardhan Representative of Powergrid corporation and several officials participated in the camp.
With the support of our volunteers from AP state Red Cross, volunteers from the District branch and with the support of the District Administration and Asst.Superintendent of police the Multi Specialty mega Health camp was overwhelming success and has given a very good impression on Red cross Movement in the District.